December 01, 2014 Meeting


Academic Senate Meeting

Taft College

Monday, December 1, 2014


Cougar Room

Call to Order

Public Commentary

Approval of Minutes, November 3, 2014


  1. Standing Committee Updates – 5 minutes
    1. Strategic Planning Committee – Eric Berube
    2. Budget Committee – Sonja Swenson/Bill Devine
    3. Curriculum & General Education – Vicki Jacobi
    4. Academic Development Committee
  2. Tutoring Program Update – 20 minutes – Agnes Aguaras
  3. Academic Senate Plenary Report – 10 minutes – Vicki Jacobi, Dan Hall, Mark Williams
  4. Senate Secretary for Spring 2015
  5. Resolution

President’s Report Other

Next Meeting – Monday, January 12, 2015 – 12:10 – 2:00pm


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cougar Conference Room

Members Present: President Tony Thompson, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary Linda West, Jennifer Altenhofel, Megan Andrews, Nancy Artiga, Kanoe Bandy, Michelle Beasley, Eric Bérubé, Paul Blake, Adam Bledsoe, Jill Brown, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez, Bill Devine, Kelly Donovan, Candace Duran, Geoffrey Dyer, Juana Escobedo, Sharyn Eveland, Shelley Getty, Greg Golling, Gary Graupman, Jessica Grimes, Dan Hall, Brian Jean, Michael Jiles, Craig Johnson, Diane Jones,

David Layne, Steve Lytle, Mariza Martinez, Mike Mayfield, Janis Mendenhall, Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Joseph Polizzotto, Robin Polski, Natalie Ramirez, Joy Reynolds, Becky Roth, Terri Smith, Sonja Swenson, Stefanie Walsh, Karen Ziegler

Guests Present: Agnes, J.Eguaras, Mark Williams The meeting was called to order at 12:12 p.m.

Public Commentary


Review of November 3, 2014 Senate Minutes

A motion was made by David Layne and seconded by Michelle Oja to approve the minutes as presented with one correction. The motion carried.

Resolution Recommending Emeritus Status for Linda West Tony Thompson

Kanoe Bandy received consent from the Applied Technologies Division to recommend Linda West’s nomination for Faculty Emeritus status. Tony Thompson drafted a resolution from the Senate recommending Linda West for Professor Emeritus Status. A motion was made by Diane Jones and seconded by Vicki Jacobi to approve the resolution as presented. The motion carried.

Replacement of Computer Science Position Kanoe Bandy

Linda West is retiring at the end of December. Her current assignment is 50% Distance Learning Coordinator and 50% Computer Science Professor. Kanoe stated that student needs warrant replacing the teaching portion of the vacated position with a 100% Computer Science Professor. The college hasn’t offered programming courses in some time and the recent addition of an Engineering program places an increased demand for those courses. The faculty replacement would teach programming, operating systems, and computer applications courses. A motion was made by Sonja Swenson and seconded by Brian Jean to hire a 100% Computer Science Professor to fill the vacancy. The motion carried with 36 members voting in support of the motion and 3 voting against the motion.

Senate Secretary for Spring 2015 Tony Thompson

Dan Hall agreed to serve as Academic Senate Secretary for the Spring 2015 semester.

Standing Committee Updates

Strategic Planning Committee Eric Bérubé

The committee completed its self-­‐evaluation and, as a result, will be revising the charter and work process slightly.

Budget Committee Bill Devine

Bill reported the committee approved the budget calendar. The committee also received an SSSP budget update and an ACBO (growth formula) update.

Curriculum & General Education Committee Vicki Jacobi

Vicki reported the committee approved two new courses, several program updates and a new transfer degree in Kinesiology.

Academic Development Committee Jessica Grimes

Jessica reported the Student Success Improvement Plan has been completed and submitted.

Academic Senate Plenary Report Vicki Jacobi, Dan Hall, Mark Williams

Vicki, Dan, and Mark reported on their impressions after attending the recent Academic Senate Plenary session. Dan stated that colleges are facing challenging times and three new initiatives will require the development of new policies and procedures. Vicki indicated there was an emphasis on student equity and a push for greater inclusion of adjunct faculty. Mark stated he was impressed with the high level of conversation and interaction among participants.

Tutoring Program Update Agnes J.Equaras

Agnes reported on the developments that have taken place in the college’s tutorial program. The Learning Center within the library houses the tutorial program, supplemental instruction, the Math Lab and the Writing Lab. Students now check in for services at a centralized location. The service desk is staffed Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The learning support staff consists of four part-­‐time classified tutors, two full-­‐time classified supplemental instructional assistants, two part-­‐time classified supplemental instructional assistants, nine student tutors, one classified management employee (half-­‐time), and one student worker at the front desk. Agnes also shared usage statistics for the Fall 2014 semester. Counts are currently being collected manually. TutorTrac will soon be implemented and should provide better usage information.

Agnes reported that she is currently focusing on:

  • Aligning the tutorial program with the Taft College Mission, Student Success Act, educational master plan, and grants’ goals and objectives
  • Hiring additional tutors and front desk support
  • Implementing TutorTrac
  • Developing a comprehensive tutorial web site
  • Providing online tutoring

President’s Report Tony Thompson

Please forward your comments regarding the implementation of the new Computer and Network Use Procedure (AP 3720) to John Eigenauer. Tony stated we will be allocating 40 minutes for discussion on this topic at the January 2015 Senate meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by

Linda West, Academic Senate Secretary
