November 04, 2013 Meeting


Academic Senate Meeting

Taft College

Monday, November 4, 2013

12:10-1:00 – Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary

1. Approval of Minutes, October 7, 2013
2. New Faculty position presentations

Social Sciences
Sociology – Harold Pease – 12:15 – 12:20
Criminal Justice Administration – 12:20 – 12:25


Physical Science – Greg Golling – 12:25 – 12:30
Math – Greg Golling – 12:30 – 12:35
Kinesiology – Kanoe Bandy to present @12:45

Liberal Arts

Studio Arts – Sonja Swenson – 12:35 – 12:40
English – Kamala Carlson – 12:40 – 12:45

Applied Technology

Kinesiology (from Math/Science) – Kanoe Bandy – 12:45 – 12:50
Industrial Health & Safety – Kanoe Bandy – 12:50 – 12:55
Business – Kanoe Bandy – 12:55- 1:00

Next meeting, Monday, December 2, 2013


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, November 4, 2013 Cougar Conference Room



Attendees: President Tony Thompson, Vice President David Layne, Secretary Linda West, Jennifer Altenhofel, Nancy Artiga, Kanoe Bandy, Wendy Berry, Paul Blake, Adam Bledsoe, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez, Candace Duran, John Eigenauer, Sharyn Eveland, Shelly Getty, Lourdes Gonzalez, Gary Graupman, Jessica Grimes, Greg Golling, Daniel Hall, Danielle Harris,

Vicki Herder, Brian Jean, Diane Jones, Kelly Kulzer Reyes, Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Harold Pease, Robin Polski, David Reynolds, Joy Reynolds, Denise Romero, Sonja Swenson


The meeting was called to order at 12:12 p.m.


Review of October 7, 2013 Senate Minutes


The minutes were approved as presented with one correction.


Division Chair Presentations for Faculty Positions


The following division chairs or designees presented the rationale for new faculty positions:


Social Science


Harold Pease – Sociology and Criminal Justice Administration




Greg Golling – Physical Science and Math Kanoe Bandy – Kinesiology


Liberal Arts


Sonja Swenson – Studio Arts Kamala Carlson – English

Applied Technology


Kanoe Bandy – Industrial Health & Safety


Presentation materials for each position are attached to the minutes.


Tony asked faculty to place position ranking sheets in an envelope and submit them by Friday, November 8th. Tony and David Layne will meet the following Tuesday to compile the results.

Tony stated Dr. Maloney did not know how many new faculty positions we would be able to fill. She is currently waiting on results of the Full-time Faculty Obligation Number.


A request was made to make the process of filling the positions more transparent. Sonja Swenson, member of the Budget Subcommittee, indicated she would be sharing budget numbers with the Senate membership.


Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


The next meeting is scheduled for 12:10-1:00 p.m. on Monday, December 2nd.


Respectfully submitted by


Linda West, Academic Senate Secretary
