February 04, 2013 Meeting


Academic Senate Meeting

Taft College

Monday, February 4, 2013


Cougar Room



Call to Order

Public Commentary

Approval of Minutes, January 17, 2013 Old Business

Sabbatical Process Subcommittee Report Update – Eric Berube -15 minutes IT Issue Update – Tony Thompson – 10 minutes




  1. Waiting List numbers – Brian Jean – 10 minutes


  1. Enrollment Management Committee – Tony Thompson – 5 minutes




President’s Report – Senate Rostrum


Next meeting – Monday, March 4, 2013, 12:10 – 1:00pm


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, February 4, 2013 Cougar Conference Room



Attendees: Jennifer Altenhofel, Kanoe Bandy, Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, John Eigenauer, Juana Escobedo, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Lourdes Gonzalez, Gary Graupman, Daniel Hall, Vicki Herder, Brian Jean, Craig Johnson, Diane Jones, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes,

David Layne, Mariza Martinez, Mike Mayfield, Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Harold Pease, Joseph Polizzotto, Jeff Ross, Rebecca Roth, Sonja Swenson, Tony Thompson, Susan Vaughn, Linda West

The meeting was called to order at 12:14 p.m.


Public Commentary


Review of January 17, 2013 Senate Minutes


A motion was made by Michelle Oja and seconded by Diane Jones to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried.

Old Business

 Sabbatical Process Subcommittee Report Update  Eric Bérubé


Eric Bérubé presented a draft of the Faculty Sabbatical Leave Handbook for Senate review and comment. The document was developed by Eric, Dave Berry, and Vicki Herder, members of the Sabbatical Leave Taskforce.

After much discussion, the Senate reached consensus on following modifications and clarifications to the document:

  • Include a statement that sabbaticals cannot be taken in order to complete units used for salary schedule credit
  • Eliminate the requirement that the President announce the number of sabbaticals available at the beginning of each academic year
  • Modify the process to require sabbatical applications to be submitted one year prior to the planned sabbatical leave
  • Include Division Chair input in the approval process


Eric will make changes to the handbook to include the suggestions and bring the document back to the March Senate meeting for approval.



IT Issue Update – Tony Thompson


Tony Thompson reported on the process currently in place for removing former employees from the college’s email system. Adrian Agundez stated that former employees were removed from the college’s email system upon request from Human Resources. Tony spoke to Jana Peters in HR who told him she was unaware of the process. Dismissed employees should be removed from the email system. Retirees have the option of retaining their email accounts. Tony will follow-up with Adrian to clean up the process.

Tony also reported he had collected all of the comments regarding IT issues impacting instruction and placed them into a Word document. He worked with David Layne to place the comments into logical categories and condense them. The document was delivered to Dr.

Maloney who thanked the Senate for their input. She stated that some issues could be resolved quickly, while others would take more time to resolve. Dr. Maloney stated she was alarmed about the lack of communication. Tony said he would ask Dr. Maloney for something to bring back to the Senate.

New Business

 Waiting List Numbers – Brian Jean


Brian Jean suggested increasing the number of students that could be wait-listed for a class and using those numbers for enrollment planning. The waiting list for a class currently permits a maximum of twelve students. If we increase the number, we could use the number of students on a waiting list to justify demand for an additional class section.

There was some concern that increasing the waiting list numbers might give students false hope about getting into a wait-listed class. Also, students might be reluctant to add themselves to a waiting list if they don’t see a likelihood of being able to enroll in the class. The question was asked if we could provide students with additional information regarding waiting lists. Darcy Bogle stated we could utilize Web tailoring to provide students with information.

The discussion regarding this topic will be continued at the March Senate meeting.


Enrollment Management Committee – Tony Thompson

 Dr. Maloney believes that the system is sitting on the edge of uncontrolled growth. The Enrollment Management Committee was formed to help determine where the college should grow. The committee members include Dr. Maloney, Tony Thompson, Eric Bérubé, Patti Bench, Brock McMurray, Debbie Hegeman, Sherry Gregory, and Adrian Agundez. Tony asked that faculty members please let him know is we have an interest in serving on the committee.


 President’s Report – Tony Thompson

 Tony encouraged those in attendance to pick up a copy of the Senate Rostrum, the state Academic Senate for Community Colleges newsletter.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:59 p.m.


The next meeting is scheduled for 12:10-1:00 p.m. on Monday, March 4th. Respectfully submitted by

Linda West

Academic Senate Secretary
