Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee

Mission and Purpose


Past meeting agendas, minutes, and documents from the Committee are available online. See our archive.

Committee Membership

Recommended but not limited to the following roles:

  • People

Role of TCFCBC

The role of the chair includes the following responsibilities:

  • Create agendas based on the objectives listed
  • Facilitate meetings
  • Provide minutes for group review

Committee Goals

  1. Goal1
  2. Goal2
  3. Goal3
    1. Subgoal
  4. Goal4

Membership and Meeting Policies

Quorum is based on 50% + 1 of voting membership. It is the responsibility of each member of the committee to attend each meeting and adhere to the code of conduct.

Frequency of Meetings

The committee meets every X day of the month.

Relationship with Other Committees

We really like the other committees but aren't interested in them in that way.


The committee shall:

  • Review/evaluate their performance at the end of each academic year
  • Review/evaluate the Committee Charter at the beginning of each academic year

some more information here

Current Members

Position Name


Chair person1 person1@taftcollege.edu
Member person2 person2@taftcollege.edu


person3 person3@taftcollege.edu
Member person4 person4@taftcollege.edu
Member person5 person5@taftcollege.edu

Agendas, Minutes, and Documents

Last 3 updates

Date Title