January 25, 2013 Meeting


10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Cougar Room
1. Documentation From Divisions – Course and Program Improvement
a. Send meeting notes or minutes to Brandy
b. Email
2. Mapping SLOs
a. Standards
b. Generates reports – linkage
3. Staff Development – Work shop Authentic Assessment
4. Resources on SLO Website


Friday, January 25, 2013

9 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Cougar Room

Present: Jennifer Altenhoffel, Brandy Cramer, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Herder Michelle Oja, David Reynolds, David Layne

Absent: Joe’ll Chaidez

  1. Documentation From Divisions – Course and Program Improvement
  • Vicki discussed the ACCJC standards and the necessity of documentation showing course and program improvements made across the institution. Currently faculty have been using eLumen to document changes or improvements to their courses in Section Improvement Plans. The committee discussed the difference between using eLumen as the repository for documentation as opposed to other options such as agendas, meeting minutes, FIG notes and emails. It was decided that a centralized repository (a shared drive) would be a great way to share and document discussions that take place as well as provide a location to upload and download forms or other tools. eLumen will still be used to document SIPs and CIPs, and the shared drive would be a place to house the back up for those plans.
  1. Mapping SLOs
  • The eLumen mapping tool will be used to map course SLOs to program SLOs. This tool will help to point out discrepancies between course SLOs and program SLOs. It will also provide reporting features that aggregate course SLOs and program SLOs.
  1. Staff Development


  • Faculty training for Authentic Assessment will be provided spring 2013. A date has not been set yet.


  1. Resources on SLO Website
  • The updated SLO How to Guide was handed out for review. The updated version is available on the TC website and will be included in the adjunct faculty binder.