December 16, 2011 Meeting


No agenda available.


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
10:00 a.m., Friday, December 16, 2011
Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: Sam Aunai, Michelle Beasley, Eric Berube, Darcy Bogle, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder, Carolyn Hosking, Velda Long

Members Absent: None

Guests Present: Brandy Cramer

There was no agenda for this first meeting. There was one handout: the Charter for the Strategic Planning Committee.


Some of the items that were mentioned in discussion:

Why do you think your position is represented on the committee?

Vicki: The group can look at the big picture. I represent SLO’s and transfer.

Sam: My role is similar to Vicki’s, and I see the CTE side and remind Vicki about jobs.

Val: I represent the Office of Instruction. I work with Basic Skills and STEM courses, Technology in the Classroom, and I am on the Budget Committee.

Carolyn: I am the liaison between Board and SPC, and know the pulse, direction, and historical vision of the Board.

Darcy: I represent counseling and matriculation, I am interested in support for staff, faculty, and students, and I see the Student Services perspective.

Michelle: I am the Academic Senate VP and Curriculum Committee co-chair, and I serve as a liaison for faculty.

Brandy: I am a guest but I work closely with Vicki and Eric and need to stay abreast of the information because SLO’s are integrated into the planning process.

Velda: I will be the new CSEA president and a liaison with classified employees, I am on the Governance Council, and I work with budget in my position.

Eric: I bring my Institutional Research experience, and I want to be sure processes are consistent with accreditation and work for the campus. I believe the perception is that implementation was hard, but the hard part is to stay in compliance.


What will make us successful as a group?

Val: Sending things to the Governance Council with everything clean and in order.

Darcy: Confidence in the process and understanding it.

Brandy: Understanding and working as a group.

Eric: Annual program review reports and program plans are on time, complete, and do what they’re supposed to do. The flow of things work and we stay in compliance and don’t backslide.

Sam: A defined process from initiation to completion and how it fits into the complete process. We need a timeline.

Darcy/Vicki: Establishing a process and knowing what the impact is and how things align.


Current Action Item: Reading Assignments for Members:

a. October 2011 Follow-up Report
b. “How To” Guide for Program Review
c. Taft College Strategic Plan
d. Chart Showing Relationship Between Committees (Governance Council, Strategic Planning Committee, Budget Committee)
e. Flow Chart of Annual Program Review Reports and Annual Program Plan Goals
f. PowerPoint Presentation by Debi for Student Support Services

Current Action Item: Status Report on Other Plans

Eric Berube will contact the managers/administrators in charge of the Safety Plan, Technology Plan, and the Facilities Plan for a status update for each and expected completion dates. He would like to suggest that all three plans be completed by September 2012 and will report on his findings at the next committee meeting.

The next meeting will be at 10:00 a.m., Friday, January 20, 2012 in the Cafeteria Conference Room.

The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

Debra Wooley
