September 17, 2021 Meeting


Meeting Agenda

September 17, 2021,

  1. Welcome
  2. Review Minutes from May 3, 2021
  3. Review Charter
  4. Committee Annual Review
    1. Review last year’s goals from November 4, 2020
  5. Establish goals for 2021-2022 (based on committee charter, aligned with ACCJC Standards and the Strategic Action Plan)
  6. Other


Next Meeting: October , 2021


Information Technology Committee Minutes

September 17, 2021


10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

The Information Technology Committee serves as the central focal point to examine technology planning and operations at Taft College. The Committee provides a forum for input from all campus constituents and acts as a resource with regard to technology planning and operational effectiveness. The Committee receives input, recommends areas of interest, analyzes technology effectiveness, and makes recommendations regarding technology-related matters including training needs. The Committee leads the development of the Technology Master Plan and provides annual updates to the plan.

Members Present:

Xiaohong Li (co-chair), Dr. Marianne C. Bishop (co-chair), Dr. Amar Abbott, Rafael Andrade, Dr. Damon Bell, Nikki Crane, Dr. John Eigenauer, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Dr. Abbas Jarrahian, Dr. Leslie Minor, David Reynolds, Alissa Tweedy


Members Absent:   

John Dodson, Dr. Sharyn Eveland, Mark Gibson, Dr. Jessica Grimes, Tiffany Rowden


Student Representative:

Josue Felix – Absent



Xiaohong Li



Dana Hicks


Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Li at 10:03 a.m.


  1. Welcome
  • Li welcomed Drs. Damon Bell and John Eigenhauer who introduced themselves. Bell is the new, interim VP of Student Services and is a new committee member. Dr. Eigenauer is a returning committee member after a long absence.


  1. Review Minutes from May 3, 2021
  • The committee approved the May 3, 2021 minutes with no modifications.


  1. Review Charter
  • The committee reviewed our Charter. Modifications were made to the membership list:
    • Abbott’s title was changed from High Tech Coordinator to High Tech Access Specialist.
    • Severo Balason’s name was removed and replaced with Dr. Bell.
    • Eigenauer, faculty member, was added to the list.
    • Li’s title was changed from Interim Executive Director, Information Technology to VP of Information and Institutional Effectiveness
    • The committee discussed more changes to the Charter. Eigenauer inquired about privacy rights that were discussed back in 2017. The committee briefly discussed privacy rights.
    • The committee discussed #3 under the Committee’s Specific Responsibilities section:

“3. Reviews technology-related policies and procedures and serves as a communication link to campus constituents regarding campus technology.”


  • The committee reviewed this statement. Members suggested the statement needs to include reference to the Acceptable Use Policy.


  • The discussion continued. Jarrahian, during the discussion, heard the refence about personal devices should not be used when performing college-related business. He didn’t know that personal computers should not be used and questioned the logic. Abbott recognized Jarrahian’s concerns. Bishop also recognized similar concerns and thought more discussions and reviews of Specific Responsibilities section needs to occur.


  • For now, the committee voted (9 members) to change #3 to read:


“3. Reviews technology-related policies, including the Acceptable Use Policy, and procedures and serves as a communication link to campus constituents regarding campus technology.”


  1. Committee Annual Review
    1. Review last year’s goals from November 4, 2020
  • The committee reviewed last year’s goals from November 4, 2020. Abbott inquired if the tiered access has been implemented. Li responded not yet; testing needs to occur before implementation.
  • After a brief discussion, the committee agreed the 2020-2021 Goal of improving data security as part of Cybersecurity improvements is completed.


  1. Establish goals for 2021-2022 (based on committee Charter, aligned with ACCJC Standards and the Strategic Action Plan)

The committee discussed three possible goals:

  1. Eigenauer suggested to review the Acceptable Use Policy.
  2. Abbott suggested the exploration of student computer lockdown software (i.e., DeepFreeze).
  3. Andrade suggested the discussion of classroom printing options.
  • Printers age and TC needs a plan to either replace or centralize printing.
  • Minor thought printers will not be replaced that’s why we have centralized printing.
  • Reynolds recalled some confusion years ago about replacing classroom and individual printers.
  • Committee will continue discussion about printing options at a future meeting
  • Reynolds suggested that faculty on the committee collect information and/or input from other faculty on how they are using printers and report back to the committee.
  • Eigenhauer uses classroom printers for student testing in his classes.
  • There was discussion to look at other resources to add to the classroom. For instance, Minor and Bishop mentioned the camera that follows the speaker in the classroom.
  • Eigenhauer suggested the goal should read: “Work towards the recommendation for printing and other resources in the classroom”.


  • The committee voted to approve the three goals for 2021-2022:
    • Review the Acceptable Use Policy and make recommendations for possible changes
    • Explore student computer lockdown software (i.e., DeepFreeze) for possible implementation
    • Work towards the recommendation for printing and other resources in the classroom


  1. Updates


  • Distance Education Updates: (from Bishop)
    • DE Staff: Sara Jewell, who was part-time DE Aide, was hired as full-time DE Instructional Aide.
    • DE Job Openings: There are two openings posted on our TC HR website – Temporary Part-time DE Aide (external and internal search) and Extra Duty DE Aide (internal search).
    • Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor (RLDB-M) faculty-reviewers: Kamala Carlson, Dr. Reginald Clemons, Joy Reynolds and Kyle Webster. After meeting with Respondus account manager for an overview discussion and after using RLDB-M pilot account, faculty met with Minor and DE staff for feedback. TC decided to use RLDB-M to replace Proctorio as our campus proctoring service.
    • Turnitin and SimCheck: We have a group of faculty reviewing plagiarism detection programs. They are: Dr. Jenn Altenhofel, Dr. Chris Chung-Wee, Dr. Reginald Clemons, Debora Rodenhauser and Kelly Kulzer-Reyes. Turnitin was renewed for this academic year. SimCheck was bought by Turnitin and the group decided to explore SimCheck. TC has a trial account for SimCheck.
    • Draft Coach: Draft Coach (similar to Grammarly) was recently launched by Turnitin. DE staff is looking into enabling it in our Turnitin instance and integrating it with Google Docs.


  • Information Technology Updates: (from Li)
  • Classroom AV Upgrade: The ITS is working with Finance department on submitting An RFP to replace the AV system in the remaining classrooms around campus.
  • Jarrahian inquired if the capability of recording lectures was included in the RFP request. A brief discussion occurred. Unfortunately, the recording of lectures was not included in the RFP.


Li concluded meeting at 11:03 a.m.

Approved by Committee on 10/15/2021
