April 28, 2020 Meeting



Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Zoom Conference:

8:10 am – 9:00 am



  1. Class of 2020 Ballot Results
    1. Review ballot results (see PPT)
    2. Select final nominees to be recommended to the Board for approval
    3. Prepare Board agenda item for May Board meeting for final approval


  1. 2020 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
    1. Location to be confirmed with OTs
    2. Invites
    3. Other


  1. Other


  1. Spring 2020 Meeting Schedule-2nd Tuesday/month, Zoom meeting
    1. Upcoming meetings: May 12th



Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Zoom Conference

8:10 am – 9:00 am


Members Present: Tony Thompson, Craig Johnson, Darcy Bogle, Norberto Lopez, Severo Balason, Dr. Debra Daniels, Susan Groveman,  Bill Norris, Kanoe Bandy, Jan Ashley and Sheri Horn-Bunk.
Recorder: Melissa Blanco


  1. Class of 2020 Ballot Results
    1. Reviewed ballot results (see PPT)
      1. Committee members discussed the ranking and the results of the votes
      2. 11 committee members voted
    2. The committee motioned and approved the following seven nominees to be recommended to the Board for approval as follows:

Carolyn Hosking (Extraordinary Service)

Craig Johnson (Distinguished Faculty)

George Kersh (Outstanding Male Athlete)

Shelley Klein (Distinguished Confidential)

Sonja Swenson (Distinguished Faculty)

Harry Wilson (Distinguished Alumnus)

1988 Cross Country Team (Outstanding Team)


  1. Daniels requested to change the title of Shelley Klein’s category to “Confidential” instead of “Management” since they are now distinguishing between Classified “Confidential” and Classified “Management” employees. Darcy stated the committee will need to revise the charter to change the title of the nomination categories to include “Confidential”.
  2. Prepare Board agenda item for May Board meeting for final approval – Melissa will prepare the board memo recommending to the board the 7 nominees for approval.
  3. The committee motioned and agreed to extend the time duration of past nominees and keep them on the list for five more years. There is no need to change the by-laws if a motion is made.


  1. 2020 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
    1. Darcy stated she contacted OT’s regarding reserving the date for the dinner but had not heard back from them yet.
    2. The committee members discussed possibly postponing and having the HOF Induction Ceremony in Spring 2021 or Fall 2021 due to COVID-19 and its effects.
    3. Daniels stated more information will be known around June or July as to whether the HOF event will be held.
    4. The committee will send out invites once the decision is made as to whether proceed with the November 8, 2020 date.
    5. Initial letters are sent out to the nominees first then formal invites are sent later to other persons.
    6. The committee will send out an invitation to include both the Blast From The Past and the HOF Induction Ceremony events.
    7. Darcy asked that Susan work on creating a design for the invitations if possible.
    8. Darcy also requested that a Press Release go out after the board meeting approving the 7 inductees.


  1. October Dates: Oildorado, October 9-18, 2020


  2. Next Meeting: TBD