March 13, 2020 Meeting



Governance Council


March 13, 2020

12:10 pm –2:00 pm

Cougar Room




Facilitator:           Mike Mayfield

Timekeeper:       Xiaohong Li

Recorder:             Sarah Criss

Minutes:              Sarah Criss


  1. Approval of Minutes from February 28, 20209 Meeting                                                      5 Minutes
  2. Committee Reports (Brief Updates) 60 Minutes


  1. Access Committee (Leslie Minor)
  2. Success Committee (Windy Martinez)
  3. Budget Committee (Amanda Bauer)
  4. Strategic Planning Committee (Xiaohong Li)
  5. Campus Safety and Security (Severo Balason)
  6. Information Technology (Andy Prestage)
  1. ACCJC Annual Report (Xiaohong Li) 20 Minutes
  2. Program Review Cycle – Continued (Sharyn Eveland) 20 Minutes
  3. Other 5 Minutes


Call for Facilitator and Timekeeper




Next Meeting:    Next Governance Council:

March 27, 2020



March 13, 2020


Members Present:      Debra Daniels, Leslie Minor, Severo Balason, Heather del Rosario, Xiaohong Li, Andrew Prestage, Sharyn Eveland, Kanoe Bandy, Mike Mayfield, Michelle Oja, Kamala Carlson, Justin Madding, Renae Ginther, Michaela White, Sergio Gomez, Marty Morales


Members Absent:       Brock McMurray, Julian Martinez, Joe’ll Chaidez, Bruce Ferguson, Whisper Lynn Null


Guests:                            Brandy Young, Amanda Bauer


Facilitator:                       Mike Mayfield

Timekeeper:                  Xiaohong Li

Recorder:                        Sarah Criss


Call to Order:


The meeting called to order at 12:11 p.m. by Mike Mayfield.



The minutes from the February 28, 2020 Governance Council meeting were reviewed and approved by consensus.


  1. Committee Reports (Brief Updates)   

Access Committee

Dr. Leslie Minor said that the committee is applying to be one of 25 schools selected to participate in a strategic enrollment management program through the state IEPI program.


Success Committee

Severo Balason reported there is no Success Committee report.


Budget Committee

Amanda Bauer stated that the committee is reviewing the budget development calendar, has received information in connection from the statewide budget as released in January, and has discussed 2020-2021 budget assumptions. The assumptions are released from the Chancellor’s office and include expectations within programs and has forecasted a 2.26% COLA increase. The committee has also reviewed APR goal requests to suggest potential funding sources.


Strategic Planning Committee

Xiaohong Li said that the SPC reviewed the ACCJC Annual Report. They discussed the methodology for selection of future strategy goals. This year’s APR goals were also reviewed.


Campus Safety and Security

Mr. Balason reported that the first “mass communication test” meeting was held to begin planning for a March 27th test of the system and process. The College will also have a fire drill on April 10th; messages will provide advanced warning prior to the drill. The committee also reviewed an updated draft of the Emergency Response Guide. The updated guides will be given to all employees and workstations.


Information Technology Committee

Andrew Prestage stated that two committee goals were identified in connection with technology infrastructure and also with cyber security. In other topics, the committee discussed Wi-Fi performance and efforts to update the Wi-Fi for students, APR program goals from the Information Technology Services department. Members also heard an update on the accreditation subcommittee report.


  1. ACCJC Annual Report (Xiaohong Li)


Li restated that the SPC members had reviewed the report. She shared the report (on screen) for the Council and detailed where data derived from. Ms. Li specifically shared how the enrollment figures are reported for in-person and for distance learning courses. The figures reported in question 17 will be updated as the Chancellor’s office just provided updated information prior to this meeting. Consensus was reached to approve the report with the change from the Chancellor’s office included.


  1. Program Review Cycle (Sharyn Eveland)

Dr. Eveland led a discussion on the impact of changing to a multi-year program review cycle. The discussion compared the annual, 3-year and 7-year cycle. The reasoning to switch to a multi-year cycle was to make the process less burdensome and to allow for proper time to evaluate the funded requests for effectiveness. Should a multi-year cycle be implemented it was noted that an annual ability to update the status of the request (still needed, not needed, funded, etc.) would be included as part of the process. The annual update tool, as described by Dr. Daniels, would be a brief submission to state the current status/need of the request to allow for a cleaner ranked list of items to continue to utilize through the multi-year cycle. The annual update would also allow for urgent “emergency” requests to be added if necessary. Kanoe Bandy agreed that the ranking list for a multi-year cycle would work better than an annual short-term list. Amanda Bauer added that it would be easier to identify funding for requests on a multi-year cycle.


Time was met and consensus was reached to allow for five additional minutes.


Michelle Oja added that the current tool asks the submitter how the process went. That question on a multi-year form would allow for feedback. Dr. Oja added that if the multi-year cycle did not work they could revert to the annual cycle.


The Academic Senate and the Strategic Planning Committee would also review the suggested multi-year cycle.  Both groups share their recommendation with the Governance Council, who then votes to accept/reject the proposed cycle.


It was determined by consensus that Dr. Daniels will draft a sample tool to bring to a future meeting.


  1. Other:


Mike Mayfield thanked administration for the patient reaction to COVID-19 situation. Kanoe Bandy added that she and Dr. Daniels will be meeting with athletes this afternoon to discuss the indefinite postponement of spring sports. There was further discussion on the possible move to online courses and the precaution in travel, meetings, and limiting public exposure.


Next Meeting:  March 27, 2020 at 12:10 p.m. in the Cougar Room

Facilitator:          Brock McMurray

Timekeeper:      Joe’ll Chaidez


Meeting Adjourned:  1:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:  Sarah Criss

Reminder—Please forward future recommended agenda items to Deb Daniels and Sharyn Eveland
