October 22, 2020 Meeting





Minutes of the Curriculum and General Education Committee Meeting

October 22, 2020, 1:00pm-3:00pm., via Zoom.


Present:                S. Balason, M. Bishop, K. Bandy, K. Carlson, J. Chaidez, J. Grimes, V. Jacobi, M. Jiles, W. Martinez, M. Mayfield, L. Minor, T. Payne, J. Rangel-Escobedo, D. Rodenhauser, and D. Vohnout


 Absent:                B. Young, M. Oja



Recorder:             N. Lopez 




No public commentary. Meeting called to order at 1:07 p.m.


  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: From the October 22, 2020 Curriculum & General Education meeting

October minutes approved as is, by consensus.


III.                     CONSENT ITEMS:

  1. A. Emergency Distance Learning Request:

COMM 1507       Group Discussion

CTRP      1131       60 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–Literary and Jury Charge

CTRP      1132       100 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–Literary and Jury Charge

CTRP      1133       140 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–Literary and Jury Charge

CTRP      1134       180 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Literary and Jury Charge

CTRP      1141       60 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–2-Voice

CTRP      1142       100 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–2-Voice

CTRP      1143       140 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–4-Voice

CTRP      1144       180 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–4-Voice

CTRP      1151       80 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–Literary and Jury Charge

CTRP      1152       120 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–Literary and Jury Charge

CTRP      1153       160 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–Literary and Jury Charge

CTRP      1154       200 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–Literary and Jury Charge

CTRP      1161       80 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–2-Voice

CTRP      1162       120 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–2-Voice

CTRP      1163       160 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–4-Voice

CTRP      1164       200 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building–4-Voice

CTRP      1210       Proofreading for the Court Rep

CTRP      1260       Machine Shorthand Speed Building – Diction/Transcription

PHIL       1520       Critical Thinking

BIOL       1510       Fundamentals of Biology with Lab

BIOL       1513       Introduction to Environmental Studies with Lab

BIOL       2201       Introductory Biology – Cells

BIOL       2202       General Zoology

BIOL       2203       General Botany

BIOL       2250       Human Anatomy

BIOL       2257       Human Physiology with Lab

BIOL       2260       General Microbiology

CHEM    1510       Introductory College Chemistry

CHEM    1520       Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry

CHEM    2211       General Chemistry

CHEM    2212       General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis

ENGR     1500       Introduction to Engineering

ENGR     1510       Engineering Graphics and Introduction to Design with Lab

ENGR     1540       Intro to Programming Concepts & Methodologies for Engineers w/ Lab

ENGR     1550       Computer Programming and Problem Solving with Lab

ENGR     2000       Circuit Analysis with Lab

ENGR     2200       Statics

ENGR     2300       Material Science and Engineering with Lab

ESCI       1520       Introduction to Earth Science Lecture and Laboratory

GEOL     1501       Historical Geology

PHYS      2221       General Physics (Calculus)

PHYS      2222       General Physics II (Calculus)

PHYS      2223       General Physics III (Calculus)

PSCI       1520       Introduction to Physical Science

On a motion by M. Jiles, seconded by K. Carlson, and unanimously carried by all, consent items were approved.


  2. Credit for Prior Learning/Credit by examination

A motion to update Credit for Prior Learning/Credit by Exam policies was made by M. Mayfield, seconded by M. Jiles, and unanimously carried by all.

The 3rd bullet in the Credit for prior learning policy was recommended for clarification. On a motion by K. Carlson, seconded by D. Rodenhauser, and unanimously carried by all, the recommendation was approved.


  1. NEXT MEETING: November 12, 2020 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom

Meeting adjourned @ 2:17 p.m.



*Program Status, please see the table below:

Program Tech Review Approved C & GE









*AA-T Elementary Teacher Education 2/24/2015 3/9/2015 4/8/2015 N/A Under review

* New Program


