April 07, 2022 Meeting
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Taft College
29 Cougar Court, Taft CA 93268
1:10PM TO 2:00PM
*The CTE Committee may take action on any discussion item identified on the agenda.
Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of the Minutes
- Approval of March 3, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION
Informational Items
- Staffing Transitional Kindergarten/Potential P-3 Credential INFORMATION
- Dental Hygiene Bachelor Completion Program INFORMATION
Old Business
- Documenting Current TC Developed CTE Minimum Qualification Standards DISC/ACTION
New Business
(Items of general interest relevant to the committee; no action)
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Taft College
29 Cougar Court, Taft CA 93268
1:10PM TO 2:00PM
Zoom: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/98097142174
Call to Order
1:11 p.m.
Public Commentary
Members Present: Darcy Bogle, Chris Flachmann, Vicki Jacobi, Armin Rashvand, Kristi Richards, Becky Roth
Not Present: None
Guests: Dr. Sharyn Eveland
Approval of the Minutes
- Approval of February 3, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION
Motion to approve the minutes: Chris Flachmann
Second: Becky Roth
Motion passed.
Informational Items
- New Program Suggestions DISC/ACTION
Becky provided additional info from Allan Hancock regarding the Educational Aide/Teaching Assistant (Bilingual) Cert. This is currently being revamped. The committee reviewed the compiled feedback and agreed to send forth to Dr. Minor to share with division chairs, and other appropriate individuals and committees.
Motion to approve the compiled program feedback: Vicki Jacobi
Second: Chris Flachmann
Motion passed.
Old Business
- Documenting Current TC Developed CTE Minimum Qualification Standards DISC/ACTION
Dr. Sharyn Eveland was invited to discuss this topic, and help the committee better
understand the interests of the District, as related to the committee’s work on compiling
examples of appropriate CTE work experience for applicants meeting minimum qualifications.
Sharyn shared a few issues related to this topic: legal reasons, ensuring equity,
consistency, and continuity of standards. The minimum qualifications handbook does not define what types of experience might count. An applicant might have related
experience, but not in the field he/she wants to teach. Whether the experience is
acceptable is up to the screening committee, but it is not documented. Thus, the screening
committee might make a different decision next time. Sharyn explained it is the Academic
Senate’s responsibility, not HR, to document examples of standards that can be presented
to faculty members. This document can be housed on the Academic Senate website. This
would allow us to follow the minimum qualifications handbook with a local supplement
showing examples of the various work experience that is applicable. We can rely primarily
on the Academic Senate, or we can narrow requirements, but not expand. Ultimately,
how do we know the person has the experience for the position? Vicki suggested one
strategy is to reach out to division chairs for assistance in gathering this information
from the various discipline faculty members. Darcy and Vicki will work on drafting
verbiage, and will send to the committee next week for feedback before sending out.
Darcy will also give the division chairs a heads up on what the CTE Committee is working
on at the upcoming Academic Senate meeting on Monday.
New Business
- Safety and Energy DISCUSSION
Along with reviewing new and emerging certificate options, the committee also wanted to take a moment, per the charter, to look at existing certificates and programs in Safety and Energy. Kristi presented data on ENER and OSH course offerings along with certificate and completion rates in these respective disciplines since 2013 (see attached document). The newly approved Industrial Electronics degree was also reviewed, and how the new Industrial Electronics degree will be advertised to help support program enrollment and avoid class cancellations, as have been prevalent in the past. Vicki shared the existing Energy Technology will now be inactivated. Concerns were expressed over the many cancelled sections of both ENER and OSH courses since 2013, and the lack of certificate and degree completion. Kristi shared the new credit for prior learning process is great for students with industry experience in these fields, while at the same time unfavorable for an already low enrolled program, such as these. Chis shared it’s important to have different cancellation policies for this very reason. The District either commits to the program, or not. Cancellation numbers shown in Kristi’s data can be detrimental to a program. It was recommended with the higher number of students enrolled in OSH courses online to consider moving the program online. Many students are working in the field that are in this program and are willing to take online courses at Eastern Kentucky and Columbia Southern for higher prices since employers are often paying for the education. Vicki shared a ‘completion index’ idea, where programs could be objectively reviewed. This would look at the ratio of expected completers projected each year that was submitted with the program approval paperwork compared to how many actual complete each year. This can show programs in deficit areas and help with decisions on revitalizing and discontinuation altogether thereof.
Kristi mentioned 82 dental hygiene applications were received by the Feb 28th deadline. The processing of the applications in counseling was briefly discussed, and Armin shared methods that can be explored to further automate the process for efficiency and data purposes.
2:17 p.m.