May 01, 2023 Meeting




MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023

Cougar Room

12:10PM to 1PM


Call to Order

Roll Call (3-minutes)

Public Commentary


Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes March 06, 2023, Meeting (2 minutes) ACTION
  2. Approval of Minutes April 24, 2023, Special Meeting (2 minutes) ACTION


Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION
  2. Academic Senate Council Representative – English Chris Chung-Wee INFORMATION
  3. Update on baccalaureate approval status INFORMATION
  4. Student Learnings Outcomes Annual Report (T. Mendoza)
  5. Revision of Institution Set Standards – Request to INFORMATION
  6. ACCJC 2023 Annual Report on AY19-20 through AY 2021-2022 performance (Li, ) INFORMATION
  7. Final Regulatory Text: Amending Title 5 of the California code of Regulations, to Include Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Standards in the Evaluation and Tenure Review of District Employees INFORMATION


Action Items

  1. Student Equity Plan 2023-2026 ACTION
  2. Revision of Minimum Qualifications for Discipline of: Dental Technician ACTION
  3. Creation of Taft College Internship Program for Teachers ACTION
  4. CTE Liaison Nominations/Election ACTION


Information/Discussion Items                                                                                NO ACTION

  1. Committee Report: REPORT
    1. none
  2. Adding AI and other technologies to the Academic Honesty Policy DISCUSSION
  3. Other Topics of Interest Q&A (5 minutes) DISCUSSION


Open Forum for Announcements                                                                          NO ACTION






MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023


Call to Order:

The meeting was called order at 12:19 pm.


Abbott, A.; Altenhofel, J.; Berry, W.; Cahoon, M.; Cahoon, N.; Devine, B.; Duron, C.; Eveland, S.; Getty, S.; Gonzalez, L; Jacobi, V.; Kulzer-Reyes, K.; Martinez, M.; Mendenhall, J.; Mendoza, T.; Oja, M.; Payne, R; Raber, T.; Richards, K.; Smith, T.; Taylor, C; Travis, L.; Woodall, N.


McMurray, B.; Minor, L.


Action Items

March 06, 2023, Minutes were approved by unanimous consent with corrections.

April 24, 2023, Special Meeting Minutes were approved by acclamation.


Information Items

Superintendent/President Update:

Mr. Brock McMurray thanked the Senate President will hold a special meeting last week. The Superintendent/President, Mr. McMurray, stated that enrollment is currently up 7% from last summer, and what about the same numbers for last year, this time for the fall semester.

Mr. McMurray also stated that many events would be happening in the next few weeks, such as classified appreciation, faculty appreciation, and graduation, some of the significant events happening in the oncoming weeks.

Academic Senate Council Representative:

Dr. Sharyn Eveland announced that Dr. Chris Chung-Wee would be the faculty representative for the English department for the Academic Senate Council. Congratulations, Dr. Chung-Wee!

Update On Baccalaureate Approval Status:

In the update regarding the baccalaureate program, Dr. Eveland stated that the UC/CSU recommends a halt to the process. The California Community College Chancellor's office sent a letter in response saying we should continue the process. The Board of Governors has yet to weigh in on the current debate regarding baccalaureate programs offered at the community college level, but currently, the process is moving forward.

Student Learnings Outcomes Annual Report:

Mrs. Tina Mendoza requested that the report be pushed back to August for the next Academic Senate of the Whole meeting.

Revision of Institution Set Standards:

The Academic Senate President stated that the Chancellor's office had distributed new data that includes transfer to all institutions, including private and out-of-state. Therefore, transferred numbers will appear higher, so the institution adjusted our numbers to reflect the change the Chancellor's office has implemented.

ACCJC 2023 Annual Report on AY19-20 through AY 2021-2022 performance:

Dr. Sharyn Eveland stated that Dr. Xiaohang Li had submitted the report with accurate numbers previously discussed in our Academic Senate meeting.

Final Regulatory Text: Amending Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, to Include Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Standards in the Evaluation and Tenure Review of District Employees:

Dr. Sharyn Eveland stated that Title 5 California Code of Regulations had been ratified and is now law.

The President of the Senate (Dr. Eveland) also said that the union must negotiate changes to tenure review and professional development. In addition, the Professional Development Committee must make policy recommendations that must be discussed in the Academic Senate and then approved by the Board of Trustees to comply with the Title 5 regulations.

Action Items

Student Equity Plan 2023-2026:

Dr. Eveland gave an overview of the Student Equity Plan (SEP); the plan states the institutional mission, the demographics of identified students, and the institution's values. Also, Dr. Eveland said we hired an outside consultant to write the student equity plan. The Academic Senate President is asking for approval of the plan. However, many members were concerned about the timeliness of the plan being presented to the Academic Senate and felt uncomfortable approving the Student Equity Plan on short notice.


Mrs. Ruby Payne stated concerns about receiving the document and needing more time to read the report and assess the information. She (Mrs. Payne) further says, "Procrastination on their part does not warrant emergency on my side."

Dr. Eveland addressed the body's concerns, stating that the SEP should have been presented to the Academic Senate earlier due to unforeseen circumstances that did not happen.

Mrs. Kelly Kulzer-Reyes asked what happens if we don't approve the SEP before the June board meeting. Dr. Vicki Jacobi stated that if we don't submit the document, we could lose over $300,000 and be fined. In addition, Dr. Eveland responded that the Academic Senate President has to sign the document by law.

The Academic Senate got into a robust discussion about having time to discuss the document, calling a special meeting, and brainstorming other ideas to approve the document.

After robust discussion, Dr. Jacobi made a motion stating that the Academic Senate President would be authorized to use her professional judgment to sign a document with the membership approval once all critiques have been emailed to her by Friday, May 5. Mrs. Kulzer-Reyes seconded the motion. The motion passed, with two opposing and two abstentions.

Revision of Minimum Qualifications for the Discipline of Dental Technician:

The state requirement has been changed, and the Dental Hygienist Assistant must have a baccalaureate degree unless the person has legacy rights. To update the official handbook, we need a local Senate to agree to the new minimum qualifications for Dental Hygienist Assistant. Mrs. Payne motioned to approve, and Dr. Michelle Oja seconded the motion. The motion was approved with unanimous consent.


Creation of Taft College Internship Program for Professors:

Dr. Eveland asked the membership if they are interested in creating a Taft College internship program for Professors, and the Chancellor's office has provided a grant to create a program. Dr. Jacobi elaborated that if we chose to pursue the program, the people interested in becoming community college professors would be mentored by current faculty once a program had been created. Mr. Bill Devine made a motion to continue exploring the possibilities of creating a Taft college internship program, and Mrs. Kulzer-Reyes seconded the motion—the motion passed by unanimous consent.


CTE Liaison Nominations/Election:

Mrs. Michelle Beasley was nominated for the CTE Liaison and has accepted the nomination. The Academic Senate membership approved her nomination by acclamation. Congratulations, Mrs. Beasley!


Information/Discussion Items

Committee Report:

There are no committee reports.


Adding AI and other technologies to the Academic Honesty Policy:

Mr. Bill Devine requested that the academic honesty policy be modified in August to include chat gpt or any other artificial intelligence bots that may be created in the future. Mr. Devine suggested to add a bullet point to the current policy to address the issue.



Other Topics of Interest Q&A:

Mrs. Payne requested that the Academic Senate take action on the lack of consistency regarding hiring committees. Dr. Eveland contacted HR regarding the issue Mrs. Payne brought up in the meeting and talked to the Vice President, Mrs. Heather del Rosario. As a result, the Academic Senate President (Dr. Eveland) stated that a draft of the AP discussed with HR would be finalized in August.



Open Forum for Announcements:

There are no other announcements.



Meeting was adjourned at 1 PM.


Minutes submitted by Dr. Amar Abbott
