December 07, 2015 Meeting





Call to Order Public Commentary

Approval of Minutes from November 18, 2015

Meeting Commentary on Electronic Committee Updates


Information/Discussion Items

  1. Accessibility Update—Polizzotto—15 Minutes
  2. Faculty Positions & Ranking Process—Dyer—5 Minutes
  3. Draft Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws—Dyer—15 Minutes Action Items
  4. Draft Policy for SLOs—Jacobi—10 Minutes
  5. Dual Enrollment—Jacobi—5 Minutes



Next meeting is Friday, December 11, at 1:00pm in the Cougar Room, to present and rank new faculty position requests.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, Dec. 7, 2015

Cougar Conference Room

Members Present: President Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Jennifer Altenhofel, Megan Andrews, Michelle Beasley, Paul Blake, Adam Bledsoe, Jill Brown, Kamala Carlson, Chris Chung-Wee, Candace Duron, John Eigenauer, Sharyn Eveland, Jessica Grimes, Brian Jean, Michael Jiles, Diane Jones, Danielle Kerr, David Layne, Julian Martinez, Mariza Martinez, Tina Mendoza, Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Joseph Polizzotto, Robin Polski, Natalie Ramirez, Stacie Rancano, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Terri Smith, Tony Thompson, and Susan Vaughan.

The meeting was called to order at 12:08 p.m.

Public Commentary

  • Students from the Performing Arts Club performed “Jingle Bell Rock” for the senate.
  • Shoshana, representing the Student Senate for the California Community Colleges, asked the Academic Senate to draft a resolution stating that they support the implementation of AB 798, regarding Open Education Resources. Shoshana will bring the template for this resolution at the next Academic Senate meeting.

Review of Nov. 18, 2015 Senate Minutes

  • Since there were no changes made to the Nov. 18th minutes, according to Robert’s Rules, they are thereby approved and we do not need a motion to approve them.

Commentary on Electronic Committee Updates

  • There was no commentary given regarding the electronic committee updates.

Accessibility – Joseph Polizzotto

  • Joseph shared four accessibility issues: 1) Adopting Accessible Textbooks; 2) Creating Accessible Documents; 3) Adopting Accessible Technology; 4) Captioning Videos.
  • Joseph’s PowerPoint presentation is available to download at

Faculty Positions & Ranking Process – Dyer

  • President Dr. Maloney will be recommending two new faculty positions to the board to be funded from the general fund.
  • We will vote on ranking the new faculty positions being recommended on Friday, Dec. 11th.
  • Geoffrey suggests that we start a conversation in January about potentially shifting the faculty ranking process to the August in-service. The ranking process would benefit from the Program Reviews completed in the previous Spring semester. Plus, all faculty would be present for the in-service.

Draft Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws – Dyer

  • One of the motions made this year regarding the formation of the constitution and bylaws was to continue conduct our senate business using our current practices while we create a new constitution and new bylaws.
  • We also approved having a senate of the whole with a smaller group of representatives works in advance of issues coming before the senate of the whole. The senate of the whole still has the final voice in each issue.
  • The results of the survey constructed by Michelle Oja helped Geoffrey craft a draft constitution and bylaws. The task force, made up of Terri Smith, Tony Thompson, Bill Devine, Michelle Oja, and Jessica Grimes, reviewed the draft and gave feedback to Geoffrey. The first reading of this draft will come before the entire senate in January.

Draft Policy for SLOs – Jacobi

  • In an effort to get ahead of the ACCJC recommendation regarding SLOs, and to also provide clarity in establishing the practice of implementing and analyzing SLO data, the SLOASC committee recommends that the board create administrative procedure that specifies the expectations regarding SLOs.
  • Terri Smith moved to approve the SLOASC recommendation to the board. Mike Jiles seconded the motion. The motion passed with Diane Jones and Brian Jean voting “No”, and Tori Furman, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, John Eigenhauer, Julian Martinez, Stacie Rancano, and Candace Duron abstaining.

Dual Enrollment – Jacobi

  • Vicki is concerned about our current dual enrollment practice and how it may negatively impact transferability for students participating in dual enrollment.
  • Diane Jones stated that there is a committee in place that ensures that the college courses being offered at the high school meet the established criteria established by the college. This committee has not yet talked about expanding dual enrollment or the impact of the passage of AB 228. The members of this committee are Bill Devine, Carol Schoneweiss, Tammy Sutherland, Craig Johnson, and Diane Jones.
  • Vicki shared that at the Fall Plenary, the senate passed a resolution endorsing dual enrollment as much as possible. Vicki suggested that we may want to form a task force to examine dual enrollment issues and formulate a plan on how to best proceed with expanding our dual enrollment options. However, it may be that the committee Diane spoke of might take on this proactive role.
  • Diane motioned to table this issue until next month. The motion was seconded and passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1:03
