September 14, 2022 Meeting
Academic Development Committee
Meeting Agenda
September 14, 2022
8:10 am to 9:00 AM
Call to Order
Public Commentary
Action Items
- Approval of August minutes (3 minutes) ACTION
Old Business:
- Define ADC responsibilities (7 minutes) ACTION
- Set Committee goals AY 2022-23 (10 minutes) ACTION
New Business:
- Brock McMurray – Funding tied to AB 705, AB 1705, and AB 1805 (30 minutes) DISCUSSION
Discussion Items
Topics to be addressed in future meetings: Recommendations for supporting the success of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705; Investigation of best practices related to increasing the success of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705; requesting funding for study of best practices and development of recommendations to increase success and throughput of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705.
Taft College
Academic development committee
September 14, 2022
8:10 am to 9:00 AM
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 8:10AM
Attendees: Carlson, K.; Kerr, D.; Rodenhauser, D.; Mendenhall, J; Sundgren, L. (non-voting member); Travis, L.
Guest: President Brock McMurry
Action Items
- Approval of August minutes (3 minutes) ACTION
Approved with corrections by unanimous consent.
Old Business:
- Define ADC responsibilities (7 minutes) Discussed that we will have to make recommendations about how to deal with AB 705 and AB 1705. If changes are not implemented in the English and Math classes funding will be impacted. ACTION
- Set Committee goals AY 2022-23 (10 minutes) ACTION
New Business:
- Brock McMurray – Funding tied to AB 705, AB 1705, and AB 1805 (30 minutes) DISCUSSION
Student centered funding formula was explained. Some discussion about math and English success
rates at Porterville College and Fresno College campus.
Discussion Items
Topics to be addressed in future meetings: Recommendations for supporting the success of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705; Investigation of best practices related to increasing the success of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705; requesting funding for study of best practices and development of recommendations to increase success and throughput of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705.
Students affected by 8705 and a B 1705 is an ongoing discussion.