March 3, 2022 Meeting


Taft College Academic development committee Agenda

Special Meeting

March 3, 2022

9 am


Meeting ID 996 5098 3891

Password  624493

Call to Order

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Vote to support or not support the AB 705 Improvement Plan ACTION


  1. No reports

Old Business:

  1. No old business                                                                       ACTION

New Business:

  1. No new business 

Discussion Items

  1. No discussion items




Taft College Academic development committee minutes

Special Meeting

March 3, 2022

9 am


Meeting ID 996 5098 3891

Password  624493

Call to Order

Members Present: Lori Sundgren, Lori Travis, Janis Mendenhall (had to leave early, notified in advance, Ruby Payne, Danielle Kerr, Kamala Carlson

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Vote to support or not support the AB 705 Improvement Plan ACTION

(see page 2 of minutes)


  1. No reports

Old Business:

  1. No old business                                                                       ACTION

New Business:

  1. No new business

Discussion Items

  1. No discussion items



Action Item 1:

The committee chose not to take a vote on the AB 705 Improvement Plan draft. We have the following questions/requests for clarification:

  • Page 6, Part A, #4.

For “Guided placement, including self-placement…..”, the committee requests counselor input/confirmation.

  • Page 7, Part A, #4.

For “The college ensures that special populations are not disproportionately enrolled in pre-transfer level coursework….”, the committee requests corresponding data.

  • Page 7, Part A, #5.

Delete “for English”, referring to English 1501, which is already being offered.

  • Page 8, #7, “Develop or expand support labs…..” is already being done.
  • Page 8, #7, “Other practices…..-Write In:” Clarification is needed for “Develop contextualized pre-transfer level quantitative reasoning courses specific to individual career-technical education programs.”
  • Part C: Data Addendum Template

The committee would need to see the data that has been pulled.
