April 19, 2022 Meeting


Taft College Academic Development Committee Agenda

April 19, 2022



Call to Order

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of March Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION


  1. Learning Center website update (7 minutes)
  2. Learning Center Spring Promotion (5 minutes)
  3. Tutor Trac Usage Report (10 minutes)

Old Business:

  1. Follow up regarding faculty Zoom student hours recording (5 min)             INFORMATIONAL
  2. Revised charter update (10 min)

New Business:

  1. AB 1705      (15 min) INFORMATIONAL

Discussion Items




Taft College Academic development committee minutes

April 19, 2022



Call to Order

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of March Minutes (3 minutes)ACTION

Ruby approved, Kamala seconded.


  1. Learning Center website update (7 minutes)
    • Jason has been updating our website upon request. Desirae is awaiting website training and access as a new employee.
  1. Learning Center Spring Promotion (5 minutes)
    • Spring promo was right after spring break. It was recently learned that any promo items handed out cannot be education based, so as to not count against financial need.
  1. Tutor Trac Usage Report (10 minutes)
    • Lori S. shared a Tutor Trac usage report from the last three springs, from the first day of the term to the last day before spring break. Usage appears to be recovering from the COVID dip.

Old Business:

  1. Follow up regarding faculty Zoom student hours recording (5 min)             INFORMATIONAL
    • The Learning Center is trying to record remote hours in a way that is the most accurate, without being overly cumbersome for faculty. The default is 30 minutes, as some students stay longer and some shorter amounts of time.
  1. Revised charter update (10 min)
    • Lori S. has send the revised charter, as well as a reminder, but to our knowledge it has not made its way to the Academic Senate Council for approval quite yet.

New Business:

  1. AB 1705      (15 min)                                                                                           INFORMATIONAL

Question was posed if anyone was familiar with 1705, and noted that it seems very similar to AB 705. Agreement that there is some confusion regarding the difference between the two. *I believe this is a typo and should be 1805. 

Discussion Items
