October 16, 2019 Meeting



October 16, 2019

12:00 Counseling Conference Room

  1. Approve September minutes (5 min.)
  2. Public Comment (5 min.)

Discussion Items

  1. Public Policy Institute webcast (10 min.)
  2. Apportionment update from ACTLA Listserv discussion (15 min.)
  3. Discussion Groups- Lori Travis (10 min.)

Action Items

  1. Charter revisions (15 min.)



October 16, 2019

12:00 Counseling Conference Room

Members Present: Dr. Windy Martinez, Dr. Lori Travis, Amble Hollenhorst, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez, Diane Jones

Absent: Lori Sundgren, Janis Mendenhall

Guests Present: none

  1. Approve August minutes (5 min.)
    • Kamala approved, Lori T. seconded
  1. Public Comment (5 min.)
    • No public comment
  1. Public Policy Institute webcast (10 min.)
    • Lori S. provided a handout from the webcast she attended for the committee’s information
  1. Apportionment update from ACTLA Listserv discussion (15 min.)
    • Lori S. provided a handout with a threaded email discussion regarding tutoring centers collecting apportionment and a usage report from the Math Lab and WALL from spring 2018. Lori S. wanted the committee to discuss the pros and cons and eventually make a recommendation to administration on this issue. Diane would like to know how many FTES were generated in the past when the college collected apportionment. The discussion centered on whether or not it would be cost effective to put all of the criteria in place to collect apportionment. There may be easier ways for the District to earn FTES, such as offering additional classes versus the tutoring center collecting apportionment. We will continue the conversation at our next meeting.
  1. Discussion Groups – Lori Travis (10 min.)
    • Lori T. shared a program called Communication Café for Non-Native English-speaking Students. The program is an ESL workshop for students to practice English fluency. She provided the committee with a variety of handouts that are used in the program and by the discussion leaders. Kamala suggested that Lori T. may want to apply for an innovation grant through the TC Foundation and to talk with Kelly Kulzer-Reyes. Windy suggested partnering with WKAEN since that is where the ESL courses are taught. Diane suggested starting a Communication club.
  1. Charter revisions (15 min.)
    • Lori S. provided copies of the current committee charter. Diane asked the committee to look over the charter and begin making recommendations for updates. Joe’ll mentioned that the Assessment Faculty member may need to be deleted from the committee membership. Windy wondered about the “personal and career counseling” element in the first paragraph. Diane mentioned the committee might want to look at changing the “basic skills” wording throughout the document. The committee will continue to review and discuss at our next meeting. Once revisions have been agreed on the charter will need to go to Academic Senate for approval.