April 3, 2019 Meeting



April 3, 2019

3:00 Counseling Conference Room

  1. Approve March minutes
  2. AB 705 Evaluation Plan
  • Are we the right group to do this?
  • If so, what do we want to measure and how?
  1. AB 705 Implementation Survey Results
  2. Tutoring in transfer level courses (Spring 2019 vs. Spring 2018)
  3. Professional Development
  • Money budgeted for 19-20
  • CAP
  • Upcoming (AB 705, ACTLA, Embedded Tutoring webinar)
  1. Reminder @ May meeting date being moved to May 15th



April 3, 2019

3:00 Counseling Conference Room

Members Present: Lori Sundgren, Joe’ll Chaidez, Janis Mendenhall, Kamala Carlson, Danielle Kerr

Absent Members: Dr. Windy Martinez, Diane Jones, Celina Aldaco, Kent Miller

Guests: Geoffrey Dyer, Brandy Young, Marty Morales

  1. Approve March minutes
    • Danielle approved. Janis seconded.
  1. AB 705 Evaluation Plan
    • Are we the right group to do this?
    • If so, what do we want to measure and how?
    • The group had a lengthy discussion about whether or not we are the right group to do this and if anyone else on campus is talking about the required AB 705 evaluation plan. Brandy’s opinion was that it has not been brought up in other areas on campus as far as she is aware. Lori referenced the November RP Group webinar, which was aimed at Institutional researchers. One difficulty is not having an Institutional Researcher. Geoffrey advised the committee to bring the ADC charter to our May meeting, possibly update it, and make a recommendation to the Senate. One question regarding our charter was “how are the committee’s decisions made?”
  1. AB 705 Implementation Survey Results
    • Did not get to.
  1. Tutoring in transfer level courses (Spring 2019 vs. Spring 2018)
    • Did not get to.
  1. Professional Development
    • Money budgeted for 19-20
    • CAP
    • Upcoming (AB 705, ACTLA, Embedded Tutoring webinar)
    • Did not get to.
  1. Reminder @ May meeting date being moved to May 15th