March 22, 2018 Meeting



Thursday, March 22, 2018


  1. Approve February minutes
  2. Basic Skills budget
  • AVID contract
  • Tutor Trac
  • Faculty in lab?
  1. Plan for English faculty in writing lab
  2. Tutoring update
  • Online
  • Expanded hours
  • Expanded space
  1. AVID update (DI data)
  2. Adult Ed Conversation
  3. CAP Conference Information (including MMAP)
  • “Most students should be placed at transfer level with or without a corequisite.”
  1. AB 705 task force/ ADC overlap



Thursday, March 22, 2018


  1. Approve February minutes

Kamala approved, Danielle gave a second. All in favor.

  1. Basic Skills budget
  • AVID contract Basic Skills portion will be approximately $5,000.
  • Tutor Trac Equity is no longer paying for Tutor Trac. Basic Skills now pays for it at a cost of approximately $2,000 per year.
  • Faculty in lab? English faculty will be working in the labs in the fall, but as of right now Basic Skills will not be paying for any of these hours.
  1. Plan for English faculty in writing lab Kamala spoke about how some English faculty (5) will be working in the labs this fall for two hours each. This is because students in the English 1000 pilot classes will be spending one her per week in the writing lab.
  2. Tutoring update
  • Online The plan is for online tutoring to resume this summer. Lori will be attending the ACTLA conference next month, including an invitation only online tutoring session. This will hopefully help to direct us to an online tutoring platform.
  • Expanded hours The plan is for the labs to stay open until 8 pm every Tuesday in the fall.
  • Expanded space More space is needed, as we are outgrowing the math lab and anticipate more writing lab usage in the fall with the English 1000 pilot. The plan is to reserve the PDC for the busy times during the week.
  1. AVID update (DI data) AVID DI success and persistence data was presented.
  2. Adult Ed Conversation
  3. CAP Conference Information (including MMAP)