August 14, 2018 Meeting



August 14, 2018

  • Approve last April’s minutes
  • Introductions (we have some new members)
  • Decide on, or narrow down to, a new meeting time for Fall semester
  • Review charter “Review/evaluate the Committee Charter at the beginning of the academic year.”
  • 2018-2019 Basic Skills budget review, including carryover
  • Prioritize this year’s goals (decided on at the April meeting)- “Start looking at data before and after assessment/placement changes”, “Plan, implement, and evaluate AB 705 support systems”, and “Revise Basic Skills Action Plan”. Not written in our goals, but just as important, is the Basic Skills APR.
  • AB 705 planning updates (Lori-Learning Center, Diane-Math, Kamala-English, Joe’ll(?)-Assessment, Janis(?)-Placement)
  • Basic Skills Action Plan revisions (if there is time)



AUGUST 14, 2018

  • Approve last April’s minutes
    • Diane approved, seconded by Danielle
  • Introductions (we have some new members)
    • New members are Stacey Falgout and Dr. Windy Martinez. Both gave a brief introduction as well as their connection to/ involvement with basic skills.
  • Decide on, or narrow down to, a new meeting time for Fall semester
    • Doodle poll will be sent out.
  • Review charter “Review/evaluate the Committee Charter at the beginning of the academic year.”
  • 2018-2019 Basic Skills budget review, including carryover
  • Prioritize this year’s goals (decided on at the April meeting)- “Start looking at data before and after assessment/placement changes”, “Plan, implement, and evaluate AB 705 support systems”, and “Revise Basic Skills Action Plan”. Not written in our goals, but just as important, is the Basic Skills APR.
  • AB 705 planning updates (Lori-Learning Center, Diane-Math, Kamala-English, Joe’ll-Assessment, Janis-Placement)
    • Lori, Joe’ll, Diane, and Kamala gave updates for each of their areas in regards to AB 705.
  • Basic Skills Action Plan revisions (if there is time)
  • Not on the original agenda:
    • Geoffrey brought the CCCCO/ ASCCC joint memorandum. All ADC members had read or at least seen it. Very brief discussion followed.

*Due to the Active Shooter training running over time, the ADC meeting started late. Agenda items that were not covered will be moved to a later date.


Lori Sundgren, Stacey Falgout, Dr. Windy Martinez, Danielle Kerr, Kamala Carlson, Diane Jones, Janis Mendenhall, Joe’ll Chaidez


Geoffrey Dyer
