Parking is free at TC
However, like any institution, certain rules have been enacted to make parking safe and convenient for everyone.
Detailed parking regulations can be found in the Student Handbook, but answers to some commonly-asked questions can be found below.
Scroll to the bottom of this section for information about appealing your citation.
REMEMBER: All traffic regulations at Taft College are enforced just like on city streets. For example, running a stop sign on campus is exactly like running a stop sign on a city street. California Vehicle Code 21113(c) reads, in part, “all the provisions of this code relating to traffic upon the highways shall be applicable to the traffic upon the driveways, paths, parking facilities, or grounds.”
What does a parking permit cost?
Parking permits are free for all students, faculty, and staff.
Where can I get a parking permit?
You can obtain a parking permit at the cashier’s desk in the Administration building. Please bring your TC ID, along with the make, model, and the license plate number of your vehicle when picking up your parking permit.
What does a parking ticket cost?
The cost of parking violations is similar to that in the City of Taft. Current parking fines are as follows:
- Illegal parking or curb violation: $38
- Parking near a Fire Hydrant (within 15 ft.): $38
- Stopping, Standing, or Parking prohibited: $38
- Parking prohibited in Fire Lane: $150
- Handicapped/Disabled Space Violation: $450
How do I pay for my parking ticket?
To pay your ticket, send the proper amount of bail in check or money order, payable to TAFT COLLEGE. Do not send cash.
Mail to:
Taft College Parking Fine Payments
29 Cougar Court
Taft, CA 93268
How to appeal a parking ticket
You can appeal a citation by submitting an appeal within 21 days of the date on the citation.
Please note that appeals can only be dismissed in accordance with the Citations Appeals Process of AP 6750, which reads, in part, as follows:
Parking citations… may only be dismissed in the following circumstances:
- Issuance error.
- Signage or marking deficiencies in parking lots.
- Visitors to the campus who are not enrolled as students and who have properly parked in a District parking lot. Parking citations shall not be voided for non-handicapped visitors who park in a designated handicapped parking space.
- Citations for “No Valid Permit Displayed” issued to permit-eligible employees.
- Handicapped individuals who possess a State Handicapped Placard and who park on campus in accordance with current State law;
- Students who have purchased a parking permit and who have been issued a parking citation for “No Valid Permit Displayed” or “Improper Display of Permit” in a District parking lot, if dismissal is requested within 35 calendar days of citation issuance. Only one parking citation per semester will be voided for this reason.
- Students who have not purchased a parking permit and who have been issued a parking citation for “No Valid Permit Displayed” in a District parking lot, if dismissal is requested within 35 calendar days of citation issuance. The citation will be voided upon purchase of a student parking permit.
Click here to be taken to the citation appeal form.